
By PeckhamBelle

Do what you want

As an antidote to the work/school week we have a do-what-you-want-Friday-night rule. For Sal this means two hours of hardcore gymnastics, for Tom it's spending time with his friends and for Grace, it appears to be lying upside down on the kitchen table compiling a wish list of things she'd like to buy if she had unlimited cash. She's currently redecorating her imaginary New York loft apartment in a mixture of Scandi greys with acqua highlights. It's going to look lovely when it's finished. It actually doesn't matter that it's all in her head - the pleasure of planning is very real.

Jamie's do-what-you-want-Friday probably wasn't quite what he wanted to do seeing as he was on dad taxi duty. For me, though, it was a bit of Blip browsing, a bath, a new book and that blissful Friday night feeling.

Happy weekends all x

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