Finished & Open..

Today the spiral was opened  and one by one we all walked took about 10 - 15 mins  and we went one/two at a mostly it was lollygagging around until it was ones turn. Myself took the opportunity to go and walk the exquisite gardens and take lots of drippy droppy pics of the many gorgeous flowers growing there. 
I was one of the last to go then it was rather muddy and slippery down  at the bottom .....When I got to the beautiful Crystal in the middle (yesterdays blip) it felt amazing just to lean back and look up at the sky through the diamond drops of rain at the end of the feathery pine needles ...... to watch it  just fall from the heavens with little refreshing splashes on my face. 
That being said the lovely reverie was violently smashed into pieces by the large and painful jaws of a bull ant that had climbed up the leg of my pants and bit me just above the knee. I had to drop my draws to get the bugger out. That scene was met with a few cheers and chortles and at the time I didn't give a hoot .....but now...well what to say? ..................
So I am still in the middle of sorting through the many pics of the last few days and editing them instead of doing the many things that are demanding my leg is swollen from the ant bite........ my skin is peeling off from the sunburn last week....the big storm clouds have chooffed off (for now).......the sun is out...its still humid but not nearly as much as it has fact rather comfortable.......and all is well down our neck of the woods...but I think I'm in for an early night....before anything though  I have to walk the dog first.

“Doubts are the ants in the pants of faith. They keep it awake and moving.”
Frederick Buechner

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