A Day with the Mooses...

...What actually is the plural of Moose?

We went to visit Dad today in Hospital...he ended up chucking us out...he was tired and wanted to sleep...that however happened after Flynn spun some of his healing magic on him. It is a very strange thing to watch the mortal coil tighten in ones loved ones.
I remember my Dad so vital and strong and now he just seems to be fading before my eyes......however we are all hoping the old fella has a bit more left in him yet.....we still need him...our fingers & toes are crossed....and there are quite a few prayers thrown into the mix too.

I have a confession.......for the past year I have been collecting Schleich animals.
Flynn already has a pretty good collection and I decided to get my own...I started out with a Whale and a Dolphin...now I have quite a few...they are so lovely.....and it's a lovely connection with the boy.

Today I got these Mooses...I love Moose they are amazing creatures.
As we were driving back down the coast I put them on the dash board and they looked fabulous with the clouds in the background.

It has been wonderful and therapeutic just playing...I could of kept going but here we are and its already time for bed.

I want to thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and wishes...I KNOW it makes a huge difference..it's like they are all candles making a lot of light so all the wonderful things can find their way to where they are directed.
Thank you so very much.

I am sorry that I havent got around to your journals for the past couple of nights... I am hoping to visit you over the weekend.

“A painting is more then the sum of it's parts. A cow by itself is just A cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun picking through the trees, is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it can be magic.”
― Wendelin Van Draanen

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