Got my serious face on

Reading 'A Clash of Kings', the 2nd book in the Game of Thrones series. Spending so much time with my head in the book whilst sat on the bed, oblivious to everyone else around me that there is a danger someone will find me looking like this one day. 

Diana's cost me a small fortune today. Asked if she would be able to use a laptop in the study and could she take it to Darlington when we visit. Yes I replied. Before I could draw another breath, she whisked me to PC World, rejected all of the budget laptops and made me buy her a sleek and shiny new Toshiba with more gigabytes than you can shake a stick at and enough memory to replace the brains of the entire population of elephants on our good planet. She will deny this is how it happened I'm sure, but that's how I remember it. 

Sue and Andrew for dinner tonight. I think they will need at least 8 hours in the oven to tenderise.

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