Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Cold Inverleith Pond

A back blip as I spent the week moving the Spokes website to a new web host provider. It all works now.

Minus 3 on the way in to work this morning. My hands were painfully cold by the time I got to work.

It hadn't really warmed up by lunchtime, so I thought I would wander down to Inverleith Park. I spent a little time watching the schoolboys, girls are too sensible for this sort of thing, testing the ice. One fell in completely, fortunately the pond isn't deep. Another just got one leg wet.

Once they had left I took a few pictures of the frozen pond. At one point, some stragglers from the school were throwing ice across the pond, hence the seagulls in this picture taking off.

Back to the office and a busy afternoon. After work, I got cold hands cycling home. Busy evening backup up the Spokes website databases.

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