youngies journey

By youngie66


SQWAAKKKK you did Youngie get out ma face with yer big camera I'm trying to keep an eye on my young gull as he mooches aboot for food, well excuse me thought I would get a nice shot of you for all the world to see and you look like a tangled bush, humph thanks for the compliment not !  it's no ma fault ah got a big draught up ma erse just as you took your blip and have you never had a cauld breeze up yer bum, I canny mind come tae think of it I have had many a warm breeze oot it lol, oh well that was my chat with this gull in Princes Street Gardens before work today with a drive to Leeds and back with a couple of occasions when a colleague was booked to drive a portion of my diagram which meant I could put my feet up between Leeds and Newcastle on my return journey, and this was my last train driving turn for two weeks now as I'm annual leave for a week and rest days the following week but a lot of diy to be done with some painting and some work being done in the kitchen as well, sigh anyway that was my day apart from forgetting to mention I had a lovely steak and haggis pie from Stephens the bakers and it was very tasty and yummy now then movie for the day is "Inherit The Wind 1960" Go BIG See Ya. PS I think this is what caused the gulls ruffled feathers lol Parp

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