youngies journey

By youngie66


Well it's that time of year again where Scots around the world celebrate Scotlands National Bard, Robert (Rabbie) Burns 1759-1796 who wrote many a poem like Ae Fond Kiss along with the well known song Scots Wha Hae so folks wiil be sitting down to there Haggis Neeps and Tatties at there burns suppers as they address the Haggis, so after sanding in the kitchen this morning it was the cinema this afternoon we went to see Taken 3 with Liam Neeson  then back home so I could rustle up this offal delecacy lol, I thought I would try out one of my wee minuture whisky's from the Edradour distillery at Pitlochry as it's a well known world distillery and renowned as Scotlands smallest distillery since 1825 so here's tae Rabbie Burns born in Alloway in Ayrshire his thatched cottage still stands today and I have fond memories of visiting it albeit the thatched roof was rather damp with the rain on my visit there,funnily enough my oldest brother during looking up my fathers ancestry found my granny on my dads side go back to Ayrshire as she was a Robertson but going back a couple of generations before that there name was Burns now I know Rabbie was a bit of a lad in his day who knows I could be a long lost relation and I might be a poet and don't even know it lol anyway I hope everyone enjoys there Burns Supper where ever you are around the world, SLANGE TAE A FART Go Big See Ya

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