South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Birthday girl and her Majesty

This is Doris, aged 100, with her card from the Queen. When her nephew remarked that she had the same pale green jacket on as her Majesty she immediately retorted, "She copied me!" She is certainly very alert and aware still, despite her great age. She immediately asked after our son Paul by name and remarked how clever he was doing all the things on the computer! We hadn't seen her for about five years, since she moved away from the church, and were so pleased that she was doing so well.

We were given a great welcome by her family, who were really lovely, and all the age groups present seemed to get on so well. The young people were so helpful and concerned too, which was so nice to see. We had some lovely buffet food - and birthday cake obviously. Of course, Doris blew out the four big candles in one breath!

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