
By Cigs

Shrubhill #9?

As promised - Shrubhill B & E.

But first - a disclaimer.

No breaking and entering or naughtiness was undertaken in the pursuit of this blip. Oh no, siree. Not me. I'd hate to think my nefarious activities were endangering me or inspiring others to commit random acts of trespass. W T absolute F?????

Anyway, the fence at the Leith Walk end was helpfully flapping in the breeze, so in I strode.

Still no obvious way in (or more importantly out) of the west shed, so I pulled out the pliers and snipped a couple of judicious snips and was in (and with the promise of an exit, too)

Not much has changed since I last set foot in here; apart from the new wall, and the new Cigs; pretty much everything else is as I remember it.

Having nabbed my blip, I made sure to scour the place in case I'd missed one. Ooops! Did I not find one? Well, that's my derelict Thursday one sorted out - I'll be here Thursday lunchtime to prowl around.

What I'd missed on previous visits was the basement! (I'd looked before but failed to find it but today I finally worked out where it was! (So I'd better bring a torch on Thursday - I used the flash on the camera a few times, but I'm thinking I need time to have a proper delve. Possibly accompaniment, too....)

Sorry, I digress. The details.

This is the yin to this one's yang. They were done as a pair, but because of the access, I'd already blipped the first one, so I unintentionally split them up. Black infill with white border / detail. With a blue surround. Unhappy emoticon in the dot of the 'i';. Dated 2015.

Yup, I got out safe and well. No need to bother the emergency services.

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