Big stupid tv

A beautiful sunny day.

Naomh took John and Amee to the pictures. I think they felt all grown up going to watch a film themselves. We took them into the filmhouse to see Pirates and we ran off and wandered around the town for an hour and a half. They came out and met us in the odd Festival square with the big tv.

The longer we sat there the more it started to annoy me. It's quite a good place to sit and meet people but there are hardly any benches or seats. It's just an expanse of concrete slabs and the odd interesting concrete ball sculptures. The stupid tv was most annoying. It just feels a bit Big Brother (not the reality tv crap) about it.

It just feels like that all us folk who live in or visit Edinburgh can't be trusted with seats or benches. If this was any other European city, a square like this would be full of people relaxing, chatting and socialising.

Really bugged me............especially that massive stupid tv.

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