
By WeeDragon_J

RIP Edgar Froese

Today's Blip is my lid with Stuntman LP by Edgar Froese RIP, original photos on LP by Monique Froese. The front of the LP is the sun coming thru the winter trees and this is the back with sun scene over a cityscape. Tried to capture a little of the sky and winter trees, and notice my hedge too, on my helmet in the back garden.

Edgar Froese and Tangerine Dream maybe not that well known to most, but known for their filmscores and even for the younger generation the music scores for Grand Theft Auto V.

Masters of the tech, electronic music and keyboards as well as playing other instruments live, not afraid of experimentation and long tracks too.
It's amazing that if I hear a track of music it can take me back to a time. Poland Live (TD) takes me right back to playing computer games such as Splat on the Spectrum!

Jim RIP and myself have seen TD a few times in Edinburgh. The vinyl has been well spun over the years, and the volume has vibrated the house too. Most of Leith Academy former pupils will have had TD absorbed thru their earlobes at some point c/o Jim.

Also reminds me, anyone remember John Peel and Radio Luxembourg? The LW channel show that played non chart music, played lots of different genres and yet 'unknown' artists smile emoticon

"There is no death, there is just a change of our cosmic address." Edgar Froese, 6th June 1944 - 20th Jan 2015.

Tangerine Dream for those that wish some music to enjoy.

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