Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Houston we've had a problem.

My Christmas present from John, signed by Jim Lovell; I picked it up from the framers today.

Bit of a rubbish shot as I was trying not to get a reflection - but I am delighted with the framed print, and it will go on the wall next to the Apollo 13 film still  signed by Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon and Bill Paxton. 

Jim Lovell is one of only 24 people who (in recorded history) have ever left the earth's near orbit and travelled off into space. Only 3 people did that twice and he is one of them. He is the only person who travelled to the moon twice and never actually set foot on it. He's a bit of a hero of mine in case you can't tell!

Busy and boring work day, hope yours was more interesting!

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