a new year!

By Thesalh70

farewell meal with my wonderful bro

as the Queen would say, i woke with an empire of a hangover! didn't get in til gone two and woke at 9am. my head was banging like a drum! nevertheless i got up, had porridge and took tablets, and shuffled off back to bed til noon. lots of little jobs to do then, had to sort the friendship cake out, which has now reached maturity. divided it up and will share with mum, li and auntie ellen.

potted up my cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes, which i enjoyed. once 49 is done, i can't wait to spend more time in the garden. i'd sowed some grass seed for project chickens, which is starting to grow too.

off for tea with bro and family, and met the Bidwells and co at the Horse & Groom. Mark, Pam, Ebo and Ness came for an emotional last drink with Bro. Kenty and Jan came too for the meal. great meal and some good laughs, and then we say our goodbyes. doesn't seem real really. i'm so excited for bro and the new start he's got, but it doesn't seem real that he won't be down the road anymore....

on the plus side, he will have a house on the coast, and a boat and we can't wait to visit. really wished i was going over tomorrow with him and everyone as he move, but it's work for me. another week ahead, who knows what it will bring....

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