youngies journey

By youngie66


Ooh Youngie how sweet of you to give me some flowers they smell wonderful, aww shucks anything for your Mrs Squirrel I only did it to get my blip of you ,oh well at least you tried not like Mr Squirrel he said he won't get me any flowers for Valentines day humph well he can forget what I was getting him, Ohh what were you getting him ? I was going to dig up my secret stash of nuts and give him a full belly he would be happy with that don't you think ! I do indeed Mrs Squirrel empty nuts and a full belly every mans dream lol. Ohh Youngie you are a one with that comment haha righto you got your blip of me now bugger off and fix your kitchen out.
And so I did as the progress to upgrade the kitchen gathers pace on my first day off there was a delayed start to the painting and had to get some paint rollers and wasn't really in the best of moods anyway I also had  the cupboard doors to remove and they were all taken off cleaned and ready for sale as a buyer has been found for them and the rest of the cupboards will be emptied tomorrow as well as some more painting then I'm taking my mum to Newcastle weather permitting on Wednesday morning then back to the grind in the kitchen to finish the painting and have it done by the end of the week ready for delivery of  new stuff for the kitchen so not an enjoyable two weeks off but when doing up a home to eventually sell you have to speculate to accumulate as they say, but I guess it had to be eventually done when all I really wanted to do is relax, but a hot shower will help my aching joints in my neck and shoulders now then movie for the day is "Flowers In The Attic 1987" See Ya

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