The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Aerial view

to be precise, it's my neighbour's aerial, blipped from my study window. The sky was looking delightful, streaked with red, but J's roof got in the way somewhat.

In this afternoon's aromatherapy class (for recovering addicts) the enquiries reached an all-time low.
"This IS going to smell nice, isn't it? Because I don't want to walk around smelling like dogshit".

Remind me to order some extra-stinky essential oils! We also learned, via a DVd I'd supplied, that neroli oil used to be used by 18th-century prostitutes in Seville as their signature scent, to make them easy to locate. The oil has undergone a transformation, though, and is now used in bridal bouquets. This led to a few remarks about how 'marriage is legalised prostitution'. Life is never dull when you teach in rehab.

Apart from that, it's still January and I'm still enjoying sitting on the sofa being a super-sloth.

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