The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The flight of the cranes

Cranes soar over Eastbourne terrace, near London's Paddington station. Buses and traffic are diverted. A brief spell of late afternoon sunshine gives way to yet more grey skies. Rain later, bad.

I'd intended to blip an objet de nostalgie from theMuseum of Brands and Packaging, but photography was not allowed. Sadly, you won't see the Padawax shoe polish by Cherry that brought back a rush of happy memories of school for me, or the Cerebos salt, or even the Kellogg's Sugar Stars (Sooty's favourites, don't you know?)

It's been a long term aim of mine to visit this museum; it used to be in Gloucester, but moved some 13 years ago before I'd visited. As of today, I can now cross it off the bucket list! I enjoyed the visit, though was somewhat fatigued by the end of it. How many Colman's mustard tins, packages and jars can one look at in a lifetime?
I enjoyed a cuppa in the cafe, while watching vintage adverts on a black and white TV.
Then I caught the bus to Paddington. Notting Hill or Westbourne Grove in the rain was a bit too dismal to blip, though I was amazed at the smart shops. Our Stroud ones look a tad folksy by comparison!

An interesting weekend in London was had by woodpeckers. May there be many more!

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