I think we should start a campaign

Visitors to Edinburgh will know what a beautiful city it is and when the light was as beautiful as today it really looks glorious, but there is a problem! In 1993, Fujifilms and Edinburgh Tourist Board got together and produced something called the Edinburgh Fuji Photo-trail which found some of the best spots to take photographs of the city and put a plaque on the floor so you could snap the 22 best images of the city.

Since 1993, though, things have changed, we even have a tram system! The thing that has really changed though is the amount of traffic in the city and the ridiculous number of signs advising of road closures, temporary one ways and all other manner of get in the way obstacles to a really beautiful representation of the city we love.

So, how about we get together as a group of photographers and ask that Edinburgh Council declares a weekend every year where the cars are banned from the Photo-trail locations such as Victoria Street, Moray Place and that all the signs are taken down so that photographers can flock to the city and capture beautiful images that will advertise the city to the world? Wouldn't that be nice!

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