
for another SP. It's the only photo I have taken today, so you will have to forgive me, if you would.

Was trying to capture the unruliness of my hair this morning, which was, when I woke up, reminiscent of some dodgy 80's soft rock purveyors.

We'll not even mention that it is now tied up in two very spiky looking pigtails and I look about 10 years old!

I knew on Friday that making the decision not to do any work this weekend was the right thing. With one thing and another over the last few months, I know that Jimbo has not had the best of my time and that is not acceptable. Based on the impromptu hug from him, which I asked "What was that for?" and his response being "For not crashing out on Friday night when you got in", I am guessing that he has noticed a difference this weekend!

We have actually had a lot of time together, with bike rides, going out for tea yesterday, making cookies this afternoon, sitting with him whilst he waded through all of his homework and finding time just to 'be still' on the sofa and watch a bit of tv. Plenty of cuddles and plenty of giggles. Oh, and we also named a star that James was given for a gift at Christmas. He has called it "Stan". It was nearly Satan, as I mistyped it - lucky he spotted that error!

It has been lovely.

Additionally, making the most of this unusual form for me, I have also managed to blitz the house and get all of the laundry done, so I am starting the week with a clean slate, no pun intended. Feels good.

Now for a soak in a hot bath - have done 2 full workouts in 2 days and boy do I know it. Will be worth it in the end, particularly if increased energy levels and a desire to eat healthier food are happy side effects of exercise. Who knew?!

Have a great week everyone.

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