tortoise heaven
Our old tortoise, Freda (estimated age+65yrs) would have loved this meadow, she was mad for the dandelions, leaves, stork and flower, nothing else came close . Many a time one of us would be hopping in and out of the car when a verge full of juicy dandelions was spotted, the stash would last a few days in the fridge.
There is a beautiful meadow behind the pier, it was live with insects hotly pursued by the swallows, which were far too fast for me to capture (I'm ashamed to say I still haven't worked out how to use sport mode on my new camera...bad bad naughty bad girl).
Leisurely day today, Hubs stumbled in at 04.30 after partying up the road, so was a little jaded. I am so impressed at his late night dancing, drinking and socializing abilities, especially as he did a similar thing the night before. I like my bed and sleep a lot more than he does! Still we managed a 12 km evening bike ride that was glorious in a suddenly sunny, blue sky, shimmering heat kind of mid summery way.
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