
By Madchickenwoman

Floating Stones?

Productive day! Finally sorted books and paper which had been accumulating all month - got to love a rubbish and recycling collection day! So in the afternoon had my treat of walking Kess. We went back to Kit Hill as I wanted to take my camera with me and take the photographs I had scouted when I'd had my walk without it - for once just wanting to walk and enjoy the scenery and Kess!
I had never really noticed the huge slabs of granite before - they look as if they are giant lego thrown on the ground. The quarry itself is at once beautiful, imposing and unnerving - I have no idea how deep it is but the feeling you could walk into it and then suddenly find you have stepped off the precipice into its watery depths is unnerving! Not that I had any intention of going in - but it did exert a strange power and I felt as if I could be compelled to do so! I think the fact that these stones appear to be floating adds to its strange ambience - and the fact it was a burial site in prehistoric times with a Neolithic long barrow and Bronze Age round barrows. Once up on the edges of the Hill it was clear views and sunshine and wonderful cloud patterns as a weather front moved in. I soaked it all in and gave thanks to my parents for giving me the means by which to indulge in this lifestyle of leisurely bliss! 

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