Simply Me

By Suze981

He read it!

He read it! He read it! He read my story from last week, out loud, to the entire writing class. Then everyone discussed it - what they thought, if they liked it, why they liked or disliked it, what could have made it better.

And they liked it. No, they bloody loved it. With the exception of one woman who wanted the story to lead her a bit more and explain what was happening. That's not me, I like to people to figure things out for themselves.

I got written feedback from the teacher too. Here's an excerpt:

A very controlled and confident first story which is a vivid snapshot of an image...but also of a situation. We get a sense of the feelings of both characters...what is very good though, is the detail...a very good first story. Well done.

I can't tell you how happy this makes me. I feel validated. I can write. I always hoped I could. I feel on top of the world!

Here's the archway in the courtyard of the University buildings - I snapped on my way home as I was walking on air.

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