Tarawera Times

By Megl

Origami Dresses

While the girls were staying, we had a crafty morning with some of their friends, and made Origami dresses from Scrapbooking paper.
The instructions came from "Mr Google", amazed at how well they all turned out. They will look great pegged onto a cord with small craft pegs.
It was quite addictive and tried making them using different sized squares of paper, really like the wee ones made from a 4" square.

Fellow photographer Lynn arrived late this afternoon to a bit of chaos as we had a 4 hour power cut following a thunder storm. Managed to cook the piece of belly pork slowly in a dish in the barbecue, minus the crackle,  and with the gas we had plenty of veges from the garden.

Tomorrow Lynn and I are heading off early to Ohakune, for a photography field trip to photograph the wild Kaimanawa horses. We will be out on army land at Waiouru at daybreak Friday to see them in their natural environment, looking forward to it. So might be a few days before I get a blip up.

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