Life with Alice

By elirin


I love all things plastic. For some reason, once I find something interesting and bring it to my bed, it is taken from me before I can give it a proper chew. Mum finally resigned, and gave me this (new, she wants me to point out) as my own. It's the perfect size, has this exciting brush on it and is so far very durable. We do brush my teeth, but that is a totally different ball game.

I am becoming an expert when it comes to judging and handling different types of snow. Much like an Eskimo, says mum. Yesterday it was heavy and melting, tonight's subzero temperatures made it frozen on top. Early this morning, it could carry a poodle, but on the longer walkie, it broke all the time, making it hard work getting anywhere. Don't like that kind very much.

But we met a small black dog that got me all excited because she looked a bit like me. I tried my very best to get her going, but she was four and found me a bit too intense. Well, I had fun, anyway.

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