Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

I Can See You!

I was going to blip one of my baby photos in response to the baby photo challenge, but someone has hidden put them away in a safe place that nobody can find. She suggested I do another hummingbird blip instead.

We've had a lot more hummer activity since we planted the new trees close to the feeder. The birds love to perch on the thin horizontal branches of the dogwood, and on the rope stays attached to the larch. There are frequently a couple of males and a female fighting for possession of the feeder. The female isn't at all intimidated by the males.

Conditions were far from ideal for photography. It was dark, raining, and the branches were dancing in the wind. I had to crank up the ISO and steady the camera on the porch rail. You can see streaks of rain in this other photo.

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