
By Shedman

Glove story

Once upon a not long ago
in a mitten shaped country
there lived many different
types of gloves. Some were
pink, some green, some like
you brown, white and wooly.
Some were oily and dark,
others blonde and fluffy,
some canvas with patches,
some rubber or neoprene,
but all the gloves got along 
together reasonably well, 
until one day, the leaders
of the grey leather gloves,
a right pair they were, said
that all gloves would now
have to work harder, even
if they had lost a finger or
had ripped seams or tears,
and any gloves who didn’t
agree would be sent away,
and more than that gloves
that weren’t in a proper pair
would be found and kept in
a special camp. Terribly bad
Glove Laws were passed. 
Every glove would now be
a Work Glove with a number.
There would be no more long 
gloves or fashion accessory
gloves. All gloves would now
work hard for the benefit of 
the Grey Leather Gloves and
their friends in the Invisible
Hand Club. But one day, an
ordinary glove, Marigold was
her name, decided the time
had come for change. With
a cry of ‘the eternal feminine
leads us on’ she encouraged 
all the other gloves to stick
together with a magic potion
called solidarity. Rubbed on
it transformed a glove into
a hand of destiny with fingers
of fate that could point out 
new ways of doing things
and could link together hand 
in hand in unity to begin to 
solve problems and help make
the mitten shaped country
tolerant, fair, and somewhere
people could live reasonably
happily ever after, a really
glovely country to live in.

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