
I went to Sebastopol, after class this morning, and sat in the sun at the Village Bakery eating my favorite cardamon roll with a cappuccino. The bakery has moved to new quarters in The Barlow, and the architecture there is interesting, but I was enjoying the sun and the cheerfulness of the people making the coffee, and I didn't take a single picture.

I spent the afternoon trying to continue with my closet purge. Nothing interesting there, photographically speaking. Even my closet with it's neatly folded t-shirts and jeans was not particularly photo worthy.

While working in the closet, I responded to that  maternal alarm that says things are too quiet. A gust of wind had blown open the front door and Ozzie and Blake were both lying on the front porch in the sun.  Even though there is no fence in the front and they could have taken off, they seemed perfectly happy to bask. I did take a picture of them, but even though I saw their picture, there was no card in the camera, and I have no idea where the image I saw went. 

Dana came to pick up Blake,  who  figured out that he could jump, because he launched himself off the couch, over the end table with a lamp on it and into OilMan's lap, spilling his beer all over. "He loves beer", said OilMan with a smile as I snapped his picture. 

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