It's Apples!

It's very exciting news for apple lovers.  The Logan Brae Apple orchard is open once again.  I have blipped the orchard on other occasions as it's quite a good source of blips.  For the past six months Sam the Apple man has been working hard on developing the orchard and decided to close for a few months so that he could focus on his work.  

I have to applaud him for his tenacity.  He has planted hundreds of new apple trees and within a very short time we will be able to purchase a huge variety of apples.  Talk about backing yourself.

I couldn't resist sneaking into the orchard this afternoon and taking a few shots of the new seasons apples.  I swear they were all still on the tree when I left - scouts honour!!

New Zealand

In preparation for our New Zealand trip I decided it would be nice to share a series of images that I've had in my photo albums for over 20 years now.  For 11 years in the 1990's and early 2000 I used to run a walking club as a business.  In 1992 I took a group of intrepid "Club Ped" members to the South Island of New Zealand to do our first big Trek - "The Milford Track".  This was to be the first of four Milford Track adventures that I would  undertake with the club.

Back in 1998 when I was playing squash in Auckland in the NZ Open I was told by the local "squashies" that before I died I must do the Milford Track!!  Wow, that was a challenge.  So of course my first trip to NZ with my club members had to be the Milford Track.  There were times on the walk when I thought I was going to die :-) 

So here's the first of many images that I will link across to over the next few weeks. I hope you enjoy the journey.  Rest assured it won't be as difficult for you to walk the track this way as it was for me way back in the early 90's.  Perhaps when you see these images you will understand why I'm sooooo excited to be returning for the Anzac Blip meet in April.  I just can't wait.

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