I wonder what ........

 ......... you think this is??

Answers/suggestions on a postcard please.

No real improvement for Mum although she's keeping her spirits up the best she can - a couple of people have asked for the address of the hospital to send her a card ....... here it is:

Alma Crabtree
Necton Ward
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Kings Lynn
PE30 4ET

Emptied my car today ready for handover to Q on Wednesday (so much accumulated junk) - my revolving number plates won't be ready for a couple of weeks so I will have to make do with temporary ones!!!!  Lol 

Thank you for all your comments and stars yesterday - as always very much appreciated.

~ Anni ~

Smiles of the Day

She was only an electrician's daughter but she had all the right connections.

She was only a constable's daughter but she wouldn't let the Chief Inspector.


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