A Gasp For Breath, Aylesford

At last it's Saturday - a chance for a lie-in and to switch off. That first realisation when you wake up on a Saturday morning that you don't have to rush for the train is glorious! The weather today has been pretty awful but I couldn't really care less - I'm not at work and I can indulge in my favourite thing, looking at a photography book (at the moment it's The Open Road by David Campany - which is fantastic, by the way) while drinking a strong coffee - bliss!
Today's shot is part of a series I've been working on - bus shelters where the text is left out of the advertising image and how this makes it relate to it's surroundings or how it's changed by photographing it from a different angle. I also like to play about with focusing and colour contrast. I like the oddness of the combination of elements in this shot.

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