One year on...

A year ago today, very early in the morning, we docked in Ibiza blipped!
A day of giving Asha some tlc as she's under the weather...though she perked up in the afternoon so I took her out for some cake!
Tomorrow is Danny's birthday, I swore Asha to secrecy re his present, but in true 3 year old style, she marched up to him and said, 'the secret is...'! So no surprises for him tomorrow!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Being able to give Asha some tlc - such a special feeling being the one to make someone feel a bit better...One of the silver linings of being a Mom.
2) Bumping into someone I've not seen for ages in the supermarket.
3) Seeing my Mom on Skype, looking much better!

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