Birthday Boy!

Today was Danny's birthday - Asha was by far the most excited out of the 3 of us!! Breakfast in bed (for him), followed by the tennis in bed (for him), followed by a nice lunch and a requested citrus bread and butter pudding...which doubled as a cake. The candles were arranged by Asha...apologies to anyone who finds the angles of them uncomfortable!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha! She's got a new thing where she gets you to shout 'HELP', then she rushes to your side shouting 'TO THE RESCUE!' She actually is quite helpful too...she spent all morning helping me prepare lunch!
2) Abby's insight. She came for lunch & we had a good chat re Asha and schooling...there's a new Montessori school opening in September....sounds like it might be just what we want for Asha.
3) Chilled afternoons.... Danny, Asha and I watched a DVD together for D's birthday - Cinderella...Asha was quite heavily involved in choosing...!

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