Yamkela iKapa

By lindseydw

Muizenberg with the Gap Year Interns

Today was really, really awesome. For myself and many of the Gap Years, it was our first trip to Muizenberg, a famous surfing beach known for the shacks painted in bright primary colours that line the coast.

It began with an intense sand soccer match: Thobela, Mbulelo, Danielle and I against Luyanda, Mphanelo, Heloise, and a German tourist. I definitely got my butt kicked, but certainly not for lack of trying. I was wholly out-done! In this picture, I'm in the brown long sleeves, laughing at the fact that - once more - Luyanda just creamed me.

We then had a sandcastle competition, in which I had much better luck. Mbulelo, Selloane and I were on a team, and we tied for first! :)

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