A blanket of snow

A very cold night leaving a road of ice and we were unsure if we could get the car down the hill to get David to work. The buses do run on a Sunday but not that often so David and Mike had to make a trail of salt and once the car was down our hill the roads were fine.
After dropping him off we had a tasty breakfast in Dobbies. I brought the latest addition of Landscape magazine which has info of a village built on Healing waters and an article on Green man carvings. Very interesting.
Drove around to admire the snow covered mountains, through Dingwall to Strathpeffer and then down to Garve .These are some mountains seen from Garve , totally covered in fresh white stone, beautiful.
For the rest of the day the sun shone brightly and most of the ice had melted, it's back again now though and looks like being another chilly one. 
Also popped into Avoch to watch the skiffs racing. They had a lovely day for it.
Home and just had a lovely roast chicken.

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