
At the weekend, the media picked up its latest toy once more and recommenced crapping on about "weather-bombs" or whatever other nonsense phrases they've been using of late to describe a bit of bad weather. Since I had a fairly long car trip planned for the end of the week, though, I was, despite myself, a bit nervous as a result of all the alarmist nonsense.

However, when I left Cumbria, yesterday, and picked up my colleague, Paul, it was actually rather nice driving weather. As we headed south to Nottingham, there was a bit of rain and some gusty weather but nothing notable. And after our meeting, when we set off for Chippenham, everything was still OK, even if it was now dark.

We spent an enjoyable evening with Mark, suitably awestruck by his new 4k TV before settling down to a curry and a large amount of wine, and then heading back to the B&B. When I looked out of the window this morning, I was, for a moment, fearful that I was about to be confronted by a sea of snow but it was a dry, clear morning. 

Thus we had an uneventful drive to Thetford, attended an enjoyable meeting, and then set off home. In the end, though, and despite my ongoing concern, this was the only snow we saw, which was at a service station on the M6. It had settled and frozen on the ground between the car park and the shops, so I did have a little moment of panic about staying on my feet but, in the end, that was the only weather based excitement throughout the whole journey. 

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