
In my experience, there's a feeling that is a bit like being low but is really just the absence of feeling up. After two weeks of travelling 'round the country - for work and pleasure - I was not feeling like doing anything much, today. I didn't feel bad, just a bit... empty.

I went into work, though, and had a coffee and a catch up with my colleagues, which was really nice and warming - like a social hug - but then I had to go out for a meeting with a client that has been quite troublesome to us in the past. I'd opted to meet them at Brew Brothers - my newly acquired favourite coffee shop in Kendal - and I maintained a calm during the meeting that arose entirely from the fact that I wasn't really very engaged. (I would have made an effort with anyone else, mind you.)

I left as soon as business was complete and walked back along the river. It was a nice, sunny, clear day, and I could see a few buildings and bits of Kendal that I thought I might try and take an interesting and/or imaginative photo of but in the end it was this (nearly) solitary gravestone that caught my attention. Not in a morbid way but because, in some respect, it chimed with the way I was feeling; slightly apart from everything else.

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