More of the same. - So SOON?!?

Yup, mitigating circumstances as follows.

1. A singularly uninspiring day.
2. As a consequence camera decided to go off and SULK :¬((.
3. Since I had some more of these to do - I did.

You know how you put a thing back together and think ...
"WTF did THAT come from?"
It used to happen regularly, until I/we learned sense.
Always peruse the hinterlands before not after the event.

First I wondered why the back was such an odd shape.
Then I wondered "Where the HELL did that spring come from?"
Next I spent multiseveral minutes wondering where there was a hole deep enough to accommodate this 12-15mm tiny spring.
Finally I, simultaneously, found the hole and realised WHY the back was such an odd shape - it was to hold the spring in.

AND if you think I'm going to spell realiSe with a bloody ZED in it to satisfy a fufufuflaming ffofofoforeign Spill Chucker you can think again.

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