Not a great day

You are lucky - the alternative to the above was an image of the inside of my mouth. The world is probably not ready..
I hate going to the dentist but then that becomes a Catch 22 situation. You don't go, so that you know the next time you go there will be more to do so you don't go again etc etc. Today was the day. The price I paid for my lack of enthusiasm for dentistry (and indeed total lack of attendance) over the last twenty years was 90 minutes in the dentist's chair going through all the normal forms of torture. Three fillings and a lot of scraping to be then presented with a bill for £79 for the pleasure. Actually it has to be said, it was not as bad as I had anticipated and the dentist himself was very genial. The principle however remains.
Took good value out of the NHS today as in the afternoon, I went to the doctor. It could have been one of those difficult times as the locum I got was a doctor I had met socially a couple of times over the winter but luckily a lump on your back is not one of those potentially embarrassing situations. Either way I now have the pleasure of a week's supply of antibiotic to consume.
And then to finish it all, ankle twinges are probably gout I have decided. Don't see myself going out much over the next few days.

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