
By Day_in_the_life

SuperBowl Cherry Popped

It dawned on me that I have never seen the SuperBowl, ever.......So, R had it recorded and decided to watch it this evening; I am very thankful for the fast forward function - a lot of adverts and 'celebrities' talking for the sake of talking. I didn't even know the rules; I do know the offside rule in a sport I detest, so R gave me a crash course in the rules and regs of American Football. From that point on my evenings entertainment began. I've been off work sick today so watching something that isn't s****y daytime television (inbetween napping) that has a story about 'puppet plastic surgery' or some 'woman that is being forced to go to work to bring up her 8 children as her benefits have been capped' is a bit of a relief. I just hope I'm well enough tomorrow to ensure I do not have to endure another daytime television session like today!

Till tomorrow,

S x

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