The Big Moment

Second time round weddings are, in my opinion, much more laid back and fun events.  No pressure to conform, just do your own thing!  And that is exactly what we did.

With the help of good friends and familywho gave their time and energy to make the day special, we had the most perfect day.

The bride, the maid of honour (?) and most of the guests wore wellies.  There was much laughter and frivolity and,most surprisingly, it all went off without a hitch.

The wedding was attended by several blippers - CatsnDogs, JayBe, Dr T, Pixel8, Roxie, Little Lynn, Life and Times and a couple of erstwhile blippers (Mr LIF and Ocassional Glimpse)

So of course...I didn't take any pictures!  But they all did!  

This image was taken, I think, by pixel8 and I do hope he doesn't mind me using it :)

A fab day which both Mr Lif and I often look back on fondly x

We often, of a weekend, make a trip up to "the pub on the hill". Not many people have the luxury of being able to go back to the spot where they were married on a regular basis. It is one of our favourite haunts

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