The Green Grass of Home

By aCaseiro

Indoors fun...

Since I did not have any time to shoot outside I tried at home an experiment I was wanting to try for a few days...

- Using a bit of kitchen aluminium foil as a background to get all those blurred "lights" .

If you want to try yourself here are the basics...
and Here you can see the setup

1. Wrinkle a piece of kitchen aluminium foil, and stretch it again. 
2. Get a glass or any other reflective surface.. here I used a black paper under the glass to maximize reflection.
3. Shoot with a big aperture (small F/ number)
4. Turn your external flash to the ceiling.. I don't have one (yet) , I just have the camera built-in flash, so I used  a bit of translucent plastic to deflect and soften the light. 

That's it.

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