Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Sorry, I've been cut off...

Clearing out some of the office clutter the other day and decided to take these three dead phones to O2 to part exchange for MrsDB's new iPhone.  The Samsung with the broken glass, only 2 years old was worthless, the busted Blackberry - which was never a satisfactory piece of kit, also zilch.  The oldest phone, an HTC thingumabob wasn't even checked on the very ample (that word again) O2 lady's screen.  In fact I think she was puzzled, it was nearly as old as her!  handed over the iPhone 5 which had been valued at £120px three weeks earlier and was offered £90px.  "Prices can go up and down".  Aye, and it's usually down.

Being an inquisitive sort of bloke I thought I'd take them apart (as they were worthless) and see what lenses the cameras had in.  Thought you might like to see the insides of them too before they're bagged up for the recycling man.

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