Light and dark

I went to a really interesting lecture about a lady photographer today.

No - not a blipper - a pioneer - Julia Margaret Cameron, who was one of the early Victorian lady photographers.

One of her nieces described her as usually having clothes stained from the chemicals she used, and as being "a bit smelly" for the same reason.  She differed from the studio photographers of the time, who clamped their subjects to avoid them moving and wasting time and money from expensive chemicals.

She was seriously rich, which enabled her to follow this new activity as a hobby, before she realised the commercial opportunities. She was great friends with several of the famous Pre Raphaelites, and you can see the way she used their popularity for selling her art.

The lecture was at The Waterfront at Barton Marina and I wandered around before it was time for it to start.

Julia Margaret Cameron had to think carefully and be very patient to get her shots. I just used the wonderful luxury of the digital camera just to point and shoot..... but I too love the effect of light and dark

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