Snowy Morning

It had been snowing throughout the night and more snow this morning, which caused panic on the roads and a few cars slipped off.  The sun came out and brightened up the day and been mostly sunny all afternoon.  Some more wintery showers coming across this evening. 

I finally got into work this morning and was meant to be working in the office but due to school closures, staff sicknesses and unable to get in with the bad roads, I've been on the desk.  It's been a very quiet day.  I thought we might have been busier with all the schools closed but they must all have been out playing in the snow :)
A few hours to myself again tonight before working in the pub.  I'll try a big walk again but weather permitting and going to pop along my sister Laura too.

After feeding the birds, I had a peerie walk down the road in the snow shower.  Looking back towards my house in the centre and brrr all the cold snow :)  I do love the way the snow takes out different features in the landscape etc to change a daily view :)  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh. 

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