
Woke up to a dusting of snow, there has been snowy showers through the day but it hasn't come to much.  There has also been plenty of sunshine too.

Another day in the museum office and I've mainly been updating photo records on the database.  Met mam at lunchtime and then back to work and had a meeting in the afternoon.  Finished work and my usual, rush off to work in the pub.  It's been a steady night, there's been a few in to watch the Aberdeen match on Sky.  A walk with Sammy and now the feet are up. 

When I met mam at lunchtime, we headed out west to Weisdale and off to the Bohoga gallery.  There's a great show from local artist Averil Thomson and always have to sit with a cuppa too.  The gallery is an old working mill, converted into a galley and peerie cafe. 

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