Being WildCardinal...

By WildCardinal


Really stuggled with the first day back at work today. Probably would have been better if I'd gone into the office rather than working from home. No chance of that today though...

Got back yestderday eveing to find a huge soggy patch in the carpet outside the airing cupboard. Had a poke around but couldn't see anything obvious, but dried out the carpet as much as possible with a couple of towels. By the time I got up this morning the towel I left on the carpet was soaked too. Grrrr....
Got a plumber out, who condemned my hot water cylinder, as one of the pipe connectors on it has gone and is slowly dripping.

Thankfully it's completely covered by the service contract I have, but with work commitments I can't get it fixed 'till early next week. Fingers crossed that the leak gets no worse before then!

No time to head out for a nice landscape today, so this was me fanning my arsonist tendencies. It's amazing how flame can jump from one match head to the next.

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