Roman photo

By oceanblues

Bad product placement

I listened to a program on France Inter the other day, in which Annie Ernaux was talking about her latest book, some kind of autobiography involving a lot of time spent in supermarkets. She mentioned the fact that the animal food shelves are often more appetizing than the discount human food shelves, I could really relate with this observation.

This photo was taken in my local Carrefour Market, the first time I've ever seen animal food on the same shelf as human food, really put me off Chili Con Carne for the day...

Incidentally, I was supposed to read a book by Annie Ernaux entitled "La Place" for my Bac de Français in 1989, I never managed to finish it at the time, but after listening to this radio program the other day, I took the book out from the boxes and this time read it in a couple of hours, a very very good read!

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