Look Homeward, Angel

I can't say that I've ever read that book (the classics scare me), but this Giant Egret did remind me of the title. I don't know why, but he/she kept looking up at the heavens...and holding the pose. Who knows...maybe it was just for me.

I spent a couple hours at the shore this afternoon, with a jacket on. Even though it was chilly, I refuse to put long pants on. I'm just NOT going to do it. I'm on vacation!

http://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/sets/72157650627176691/ Click on the above link to see some more birds from this afternoon.

P.S. Clearing up the confusion of yesterday's museum collage. In 80% of the place you CAN take pictures. My pictures (without flash) were perfectly within the picture-taking rules. In the other section, there are numerous signs warning you that you can't take pictures. That was where all the museum officials approached me...making me feel like a camera-toting tourist who can't read. ;0)

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