Windy Day in Outlet Bay

We started the day with a Blip Meet. The Boss and ME went out but I stayed in Suzz due to uneducated Cafe owners in NZ not understanding about dogs BUT when he came bark the smell was amazing…Crispy Bacon…Delicious. Actually CrispyPbacon and his lovely partner and most of the Blip folk from Wanaka had attended so I don’t see that one small (uncontrollable with excitement ) dog  would have made any difference and I would have been only too happy to make sure the floor was swept and other housekeeping matters attended too. 

Later in the day The Boss went looking for wind. It was really easy to find and I suffered the indignity of attachment while he did tripod and remote shutter release things but it was a happy and tiring outing for all.
sniff sniff….I can still smell ……

Dog Script… You should be aware that I have NEVER had Bacon but am very familiar with the smell and get training most Sundays. Crispy stuff is best The Boss and Bosses say. 

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