Last Light on Ironside

The Boss spent all day slaving over a hot computer. Well actually it was a hot PC, a mildly warm laptop and a very cool iPad with the latter two involved in the SeniorNet presentation on Thursday about “Music in a digital world”
The Bossess complained about the noise (music) so some of the work was done with his door closed or headphones on and I did run in a couple of times ‘Cos I thought it was a skype call (I am seriously addicted to those) but it was a false alarm. The Boss started life with 78 records so the shift to today’s music delivery was a quantum jump but it did take a while to happen so I guess he just followed along so to bark and he said he certainly doesn’t want to go back at all inspite of a number of folk that still like to buy Vinyl records and play them with valve amplifiers. The ambient analogue noise of the process adds “warmth” to the sound they claim but he just loves the clean sound and the ability to deliver it out of his iPhone to Bluetooth devices and hi quality headphones and in my view his frequency response would be shot anyway being nearly 10 ½ years old. Old Dogs can’t hear fine noises but my hearing is fine so I can be relied upon to bark my head off at the drop of a hat. (Sometimes very noisy if it’s a straw one).

Ironside hill is very distinctive with it’s pine tree and The Boss has promised to take me up there sometime to visit Maggie May, a Golden Retreiver who came before me. He says it has a grrreat view.
Oh and for the Canny Scot fello who complained about the map accuracy in past blips, todays pin is precisely pricked.

Bigger waves?

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