A MIMent In Time

By justmim

This evening I discovered that there is indeed a limit to how much cake I can eat. I know, it came as a shock to me, too! After months of sheepishly following their Twitter feed without ever making a commitment to attend, this evening I joined the 'Edinburgh Bakers'. Bring cake, eat cake and take more cake home. Simple! I met some lovely people along the way. It's not necessarily something that I am likely to frequent, however it was fun and good to get out of my comfort zone.

And anyway, cake!

Based at The Haven (in Newhaven, funnily enough) I took a wee walk along to the shore rather than standing to wait for my bus. Lovely to see it at night; a very calm scene!

Today I also discovered that what once seemed as massive progress when writing my dissertation feels only a tiny drop in the great thesis swimming pool. I suspect, however, that a time may come when I have too many words and feel like I'm treading water trying to organise it all! Step by little step :-)

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